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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 3 Rotated component matrix of factor analysis

From: An empirical test of the triple bottom line of customer-centric sustainability: the case of fast fashion


Measurement items





Economic sustainability

EC1: [xyz]’s clothes have good design and style




EC2: [xyz]’s clothes are soft, comfortable and provide a good fit




EC3: [xyz]’s clothes provide high quality in materials and stitching




EC4: [xyz]’s clothes are fit for purpose, hard-wearing, and durable




Environmental sustainability

EV1: Toxic chemicals are not used in production by [xyz]




EV2: [xyz] adopts environmentally friendly production practices




EV3: [xyz]’s clothes are produced with a minimum effect on the environment (e.g., no gases, low carbon foot print) and animals




EV4: [xyz]’s clothes are made from sustainable materials such as organic cotton and not be synthetic




Social sustainability

SO1: [xyz] prefers local production of their clothing




SO2: [xyz]’s products are made under safe and healthy working conditions, without child labor or sweatshops




SO3: [xyz] pays fair wage for factory workers and raw material suppliers




SO4: [xyz] gives back to the communities in which it does business


