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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 2 Confirmatory factor analysis and measurement model results for model constructs

From: Perceived ease of use and usefulness of sustainability labels on apparel products: application of the technology acceptance model


Factor items

Factor loadings (t value)a

Cronbach’s alpha



Perceived ease of use (PEOU)

Learning to utilize sustainability labels was (would be) easy for me





I would find it easy to use sustainability labels to make a purchase decision

.86 (30.70)

It would be easy for me to become an expert at utilizing sustainability labels

.82 (28.35)

Overall, I find sustainability labels easy to utilize

.85 (29.98)

Perceived usefulness (PU)

Sustainability labels give (will give) me access to useful shopping information





Sustainability labels are (will be) useful to me

.93 (43.88)

Sustainability labels make (will make) purchasing easier

.89 (39.45)

Sustainability labels make (will make) me a smarter shopper

.90 (40.69)

Sustainability labels are (will be) very beneficial to me

.93 (43.81)

Purchase decision of SR products would be difficult to make without sustainability labels

.69 (24.98)

Utilizing sustainability labels reduces the time I spend on shopping

.72 (26.46)

Overall, I find sustainability labels useful in making purchase decisions

.91 (41.61)

Attitude toward sustainability label use (Att)







.91 (42.80)

Not convincing—Convincing

.90 (42.23)

Not credible—Credible

.91 (43.52)


.78 (31.29)

Purchase intention of a sustainability labelled apparel product (PI)

How would you be willing to buy apparel products with this label?





EU eco-label (the Flower) by European Commission



Green seal-certification by Green Seal organization

.87 (31.12)

EKO Sustainable Textile certification by Global Organic Textile Standard International Working Group

.86 (30.68)

Fair Trade certification by Fair Trade USA organization

.77 (26.36)

Global Organic Textile Standard by Global Organic Textile Standard International Working Group

.83 (29.27)

  1. CFA model fit x 2 = 994.93, df = 203, x 2 /df = 4.90, p < .001, GFI = .91, CFI = .96, IFI = .96, NFI = .95, SRMR = .03, RMSEA = .06
  2. aStandard factor loadings from CFA were significant at p < .001
  3. bComposite reliability (CR) is calculated as (Σstandard loading)2 divided by (Σstandard loading)2 + Σεj. The measurement error, εj is calculated as (1.0 − (standard loading)2) (Hair et al. 1998)
  4. cAverage variance extracted (AVE) is calculated as Σstandard loading2 divided by Σstandard loading2 + Σεj (Hair et al. 1998)
  5. dRestricted to 1