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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 1 Measure items and confirmatory factor analysis results

From: Effects of price discount on consumers’ perceptions of savings, quality, and value for apparel products: mediating effect of price discount affect


Factor loading



Cronbach’s alpha

Perceived savings





 The amount of discount offered on the pair of jeans represents large savings



 The amount of money that customers would save on the pair of jeans is very large



 The amount of discount stated for the pair of jeans is very high



Perceived quality





 This pair of jeans would be reliable



 This pair of jeans would be dependable



 This pair of jeans would be durable



 The workmanship on this pair of jeans would be good



Perceived value





 This pair of jeans is a good value for the money



 This pair of jeans is a good buy



 At the price shown, this pair of jeans is economicala



Price discount affect





 How do you feel after seeing this price discount?




















Purchase intentions





 I would consider buying this pair of jeans with this price discount



 There is a strong likelihood that I would buy this pair of jeans with this price discount



 I would purchase this pair of jeans with this price discount


  1. The values of CR, AVE, and Cronbach’s alpha shown in the table were calculated after the three items were removed
  2. CR, composite reliability; AVE, average variance extracted
  3. aThese three items were removed because the factor loadings were smaller than .50