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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 2 The CFA results of the pooled second-order measurement model: organic and naturally dyed products

From: The impact of moral philosophy and moral intensity on purchase behavior toward sustainable textile and apparel products



Organic products

Naturally dyed products

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If an action could harm an innocent other, it should not be done







One should never psychologically and physically harm another person



It is never necessary to sacrifice the welfare of others



One should not perform an action which might in any way threaten the dignity and welfare of another individual



Risks to another should never be tolerated, irrespective of how small the risks might be



The existence of potential harm to others is always wrong, irrespective of the benefits to be gained




Moral standards are simply personal rules which indicate how a person should behave and are not to be applied in making judgments of others







Moral standards should be seen as being individualistic; what one person considers to be moral may be judged to be immoral by another person



Rigidly codifying an ethical position that prevents certain types of actions could stand in the way of better human relations and adjustment



Different types of moralities cannot be compared as to “rightness”



Moral intensity











Temporal immediacy






Social consensus




If I buy ___________,


it will greatly decrease environmental pollution







it will greatly contribute to environmental protection





its positive impact on environmental protection will be great






If I buy ___________,


it is very likely to positively influence environmental protection







it is very likely to decrease actual environmental pollution





Temporal immediacy

If I buy ___________,


the positive impact on environmental pollution will occur in the near future







it will promptly decrease environmental pollution






If I buy ___________,


my family and my close acquaintances will have the benefits of the behavior







the community I belong to will also have the benefits of the behavior





the benefits of the behavior are not related to my family and my close acquaintances

− .492***


− .541***


Social consensus

If I buy ___________,


the majority will consider it a desirable decision







the majority will consider it a correct decision





the majority will consider it an ethical decision





Purchase behavior

How likely are you to buy the following product?







How often did you buy the following product?



  1. ***p < .001
  2. Fit indices for the organic products: χ2 = 413.594 (df = 264, p = .000), χ2/df = 1.567, RMSEA = .042 (LO 90: .034, HI 90: .050, Pclose = .956), TLI = .950, CFI = .956, NFI = .887, PNFI = .781, PCFI = .841, GFI = .907, AGFI = .886, RMR = .084
  3. Fit indices for the naturally dyed products: χ2 = 419.875 (df = 264, p = .000), χ2/df = 1.590, RMSEA = .043(LO 90: .035, HI 90: .051, Pclose = .936), TLI = .956, CFI = .961, NFI = .903, PNFI = .795, PCFI = .846, GFI = .905, AGFI = .883, RMR = .083