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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 3 Subjective evaluation of the three combat uniforms just after walking in rain

From: Performance evaluation of water-repellent combat uniforms using a static manikin and human subjects under a rainfall tower system





P value

Tactile sensation (1 very poor, 2 poor, 3 slightly poor, 4 neutral, 5 slightly good, 6 good, 7 very good)

2.3 (1.2)a

4.4 (0.9)b

5.5 (0.9)c


Softness (1 very poor, 2 poor, 3 slightly poor, 4 neutral, 5 slightly good, 6 good, 7 very good)

3.0 (1.1)a

3.8 (1.4)a

5.6 (0.9)b


Time of wetting (1 very quick, 2 quick, 3 slightly quick, 4 neutral, 5 slightly slow, 6 slow, 7 very slow)

2.3 (1.8)a

3.3 (1.2)a

6.0 (0.5)b


Thermal sensation (1 hot, 2 warm, 3 slightly warm, 4 neutral, 5 slightly cool, 6 cool, 7 cold)

6.4 (0.7)a

5.8 (1.0)a

4.1 (0.8)b


Heaviness (1 very heavy, 2heavy, 3 slightly heavy, 4 neutral, 5 slightly light, 6 light, 7 very light)

2.1 (1.1)a

3.8 (0.9)b

5.3 (0.9)c


Humid sensation (1 very humid, 2 humid, 3 slightly humid, 4 neutral, 5 slightly dry, 6 dry, 7 very dry)

1.9 (1.0)a

2.8 (1.0)a,b

4.0 (1.2)b


Thermal comfort (1 very uncomfortable, 2 uncomfortable, 3 a little uncomfortable, 4 neutral, 5 a little comfortable, 6 comfortable, 7 very comfortable)

2.1 (1.4)a

3.0 (0.8)a

5.1 (1.1)b


The most wetted part _ shirts (number of response, frequency)

Back (6) and Chest (6)

Shoulder (6)

Chest (7)


The most wetted part _ trousers (number of response, frequency)

Thigh (8)

Thigh (8)

Thigh (8)


Other opinions

Uniforms were heavy, wet, cold, and unpleasant

Water came into the uniforms and flowed from the body

Water came into the uniforms, but the uniforms didn’t get wet and light

  1. a, b and c mean significant differences among the three groups by Tukey’s post hoc test