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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 3 Questions of the focus group interview

From: 3D dynamic fashion design development using digital technology and its potential in online platforms

Opening questions

What experiences have you had of 3D virtual simulation systems or the virtual fashion world? Are you an active user of online platforms about digital fashion?

Introductory questions

How useful are 3D virtual simulation systems, including CLO 3D, in designing or retailing garments under the current states? Especially during COVID-19, is there more significance for 3D virtual garment simulations?

Transition questions

What differences are there between the hands-on design and digital design processes using 3D virtual simulation systems?

Key questions

How do you feel about the ten video animations representing 3D dynamic fashion garments that have been shown? Do you determine any potential from the video of 3D dynamic fashion garments?

Ending questions

Finally, is there anything connected with 3D dynamic fashion garments, virtual simulation systems, or digital fashion, that has not been discussed that you feel strongly about and would like to bring up now?