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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 1 Open-ended survey questions

From: Role power dynamics within the bridal gown selection process

Filtering questions


Have you ever being married before?

Demographic questions about the bride


Annual household yearly income

Education level


Number of siblings

What was your nationality when the wedding took place?

Where did you get married?

When did you get married (if married more than once please mention the last wedding)? Please write the year (YYYY)

Demographic questions about the groom



How many siblings does the groom have?

What was the groom’s nationality when the wedding took place?

Questions about the wedding dress

How would you describe your wedding dress? Please explain.

Where you satisfied with your wedding dress? Please explain.

Did your wedding dress reflect your fashion style? Please explain.

Questions about wedding preparation process

How did you select your wedding dress? Please describe the process.

Please explain your experience purchasing your wedding dress

Who paid for your wedding dress?

Questions about power negotiation within the process

 Who was the most influential person when selecting your wedding dress? Please state the type of relationship with that person (was it your sister? Mother? etc.)

 Explain why this person was so influential when selecting your wedding dress

 Where your parents involved in the selection of your wedding dress? If so, please describe the experience

 Where your parents-in-law involved in the selection of your wedding dress? If so, please describe the experience

 Was the groom involved in the selection of your wedding dress? If so, please describe the experience

 Did you have to do any type of negotiation for selecting your wedding dress? With whom? Please explain this experience

End of survey that provided participant with completion code