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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 2 Results for the measurement model, and correlation coefficients

From: Achieving corporate sustainability performance: The influence of corporate ethical value, and leader-member exchange on employee behaviors and organizational performance


Item loading

Corporate ethical value (CEV) (CR = .79, AVE= .56, MSV= .26, Cronbach’s α = .77)


Top management in my company has let it be known in no uncertain terms that unethical behaviors will not be tolerated



If a manager in my company is discovered to have engaged in unethical behavior that results primarily in personal gain (rather than corporate gain), he or she will be promptly reprimanded



If a manager in my company is discovered to have engaged in unethical behavior that results primarily in corporate gain (rather than personal gain), he or she will be promptly reprimanded


Leader-member exchange (LMX) (CR = .87, AVE= .62, MSV= .26, Cronbach’s α = .88)


My manager is flexible about evolving change in my job



My manager would be personally inclined to use whatever power he/she has to help me solve problems in my work



My manager is very open to suggestions from me regarding my work



I would characterize my relationship with my manager as above average


Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) (CR = .83, AVE= .72, MSV= .13)

 Factor 1: Interpersonally directed (OCB_I) (Cronbach’s α = .80)



I go out of way to help new employees in my company



I help other colleagues who have heavy workloads in my company



I help other colleagues who have been absent in my company


 Factor 2: Organizationally directed (OCB_O) (Cronbach’s α = .62)


My attendance at work is above the norm



I do not complain about insignificant things at work



I adhere to informal rules devised to maintain order


Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) (CR = .91, AVE= .62, MSV= .13, Cronbach’s α = .90)


Stay home from work and say you are sick when you are not



Insulted someone about their job performance



Make fun of someone’s personal life



Ignore someone at work



Start an argument with someone at work



Insult or make fun of someone at work


Corporate Sustainability Performance (CP) (CR = .83, AVE= .57, MSV= .12)

 Factor1: Environmental support (ES) (Cronbach’s α = .90)


Preserving nature



Designing environmentally friendly products (e.g., reducing dyes or chemicals)



Building and running energy-efficient facilities



Reducing environmental harm (e.g., limiting chemical use, water consumption, waste, CO2 emission, etc.)



Reducing packaging



Recycling or upcycling


 Factor 2: Community support (CS) (Cronbach’s α = .90)


Providing education programs in developing countries (e.g., hygiene, sex, nutrition, etc.)



Providing fair employment opportunities in developing countries (e.g., hiring women and migrant workers)



Supporting better student learning and professional development



Supporting medical services for communities in developing countries



Partnering with organizations who help children and people in need



Donating money to charity


 Factor 3: Working conditions support (WC) (Cronbach’s α = .82)


Providing proper working environments (e.g., a safe building, proper lighting and ventilation, and an on-site health clinic, etc.)



Promoting fair treatments for all


 Factor 4: Transparency enhancement (TE) (Cronbach’s α = .70)


Sharing information publicly



Having a whistleblowing system


Goodness-of-Fit Indices, X2 = 773.82, d.f. = 542, p-value = .000; CFI = .96; TLI = .96; RMSEA = .04; SRMR = .05

  1. All factor loadings were significant at 0.01 level
  2. CR composite reliability, AVE average variance extracted, MSV maximum shared variance