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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 1 Overview of 115 VFIs’ bodies-related data collection

From: Issues of virtual fashion influencers’ reproduced bodies: a qualitative analysis based on body discourse


Overview of data collection


We collected all cases where their exact age was shown through Instagram profiles or interviews, and cases where the age group could be estimated through posted images

In most cases, their age does not change over time, but indicates the persistent age even if their age is disclosed accurately

The influencers were divided based on age groups such as the 10 s, the 20 s, and 30 s, owing to the wide range of age groups from the youngest, a 6-month-old baby, to older figures in their 80 s (currently the death status was also set)


As there was almost no case where gender was indicated separately on their Instagram profile, gender is judged by body shape and fashion style

However, if the subject was non-binary subject and this was emphasized in their profile or revealed in an interview, gender was classified non-binary

If gender-neutrality was actively oriented regarding fashion style, gender classification was not applied, but gender-neutrality style data was collected as separate information

As for body classifications such as age, gender, and race, gender was the only item in which fashion style indicated both a social sign and a biological basis

Classifications were based on three types: female/male/non-binary


There were no cases of race being indicated on Instagram profiles, so race was judged based on information such as place of origin, face shape, and skin color

Classifications were based on five types: white/black/Asian/Hispanic/mixed race


In most cases, their current activity area or region of origin was indicated through their Instagram profile or an interview

In many cases, the region was indicated in the post

In many cases, both the country and city were specifically indicated

In the case of cities, most of them were large cities with a global reputation

Regions such as Los Angeles, New York, London, Moscow, Tokyo, and Seoul were frequently found

Classifications were based on Europe/ Middle East/ Asia/ Australia/ North America/ Central and South America/ Africa


By profession, many of them were fashion models, “hand models,” or “fitness trainers.” Most had an “ideal” appearance according to societal standards