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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Table 3 Summary of the key issues regarding VFIs reproduced bodies

From: Issues of virtual fashion influencers’ reproduced bodies: a qualitative analysis based on body discourse

Key issues

Reproduction of standardized stereotypes

Expression of the male gaze, power, and desire


gender hierarchy


VFIs’ bodies are standardized types, and accordingly reinforced and reproduced. This makes the reproduced bodies cement standardized stereotypes further

VFIs are recreated from the perspective of specific gender, targeted at those who internalize it

This issue concerns replacing VFIs’ bodies with objects of the expression of the male gaze, power, and desire

VFIs’ bodies reproduce a single identity linked to Eurocentric and normative humanistic ideals

This issue concerns colonial gender hierarchy in virtual space


◦ Reinforcing the idealized socially formed esthetic standard stereotype

◦ Emphasizing femininity and masculinity according to gender

◦ Bodies targeted as objects of observation. Voyeuristic psychological perversion targeted at a specific gender

◦ Posing while covering or intentionally emphasizing only key body parts

◦ Body expressions reminiscent of African cultures or indigenous tribes

◦ Desolate spatial representation that entrenches social prejudice in the African region